
MWLSAP Homepage

Any information or pictures on the lost ski areas of Wisconsin would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail: mark@mwlsap.org

For more information and pictures on most of these lost ski areas go to the Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page and search. What a great resource!

21 Snow Sport Areas Ready In Wisconsin - Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois) · Sun, Nov 20, 1949

See: Northome Films - YouTube

| lost | working on | never opened | still open |



Americana + - still open as Mountain Top at Grand Geneva, was also called Indian Knob, Playboy Club, and Hotdog Mountain

  • Playboy Club became Americana in 1980

Baldy Mountain Ski Hill (Old Baldy)

  • Cornell, WI - northwest Wisconsin - adjacent to the Chippewa County Forest, a few miles west of Cornell
  • v: 150 ft. 1 rope tow
  • Google Maps / Google Earth
    45.207497755530724, -91.27312637192851
  • Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page 1 2


Baird's Creek+ - see Moon Valley, still open as Triangle Sports Area

Bay View Hill * see Williams Bay Ski Hill

Bear Valley * (see Pink Panther)

Big Bearskin Lake Ski Hill

Big Dipper Ski Hill * - see Echo Valley

Big Hill Memorial Park ^ - ski jump only

Birch Haven (originally called Suicide Hill)

  • Baraboo, WI - south central Wisconsin - Midway between Sauk City and Baraboo, 1 and 1/2 miles west of Badger Ordnance Plant on County C, two miles west of Bluffview, E 10389 County Rd. C
  • v: 278 ft. o: 1954
  • Google Maps / Google Earth
    43.35721553820846, -89.80622165921609
    Please email - mark@mwlsap.org - if you know a more precise location.
  • Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page (Birch Haven) 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • Skiers and Snowboarders of the Midwest Facebook Group
  • skimap.org

Birch Park (also called Eight Flags of Birch Park)

Birchwood Valley

Boulder Junction

Buffalo Valley Inc. * became Hiawatha Hills

Bull Run Ski Area

Calumet County Park (previously called Calumet Hills, also Fox Valley Ski Club)

Chain O' Lakes

Chanticleer Inn

Coon's Hill

Crystal Ridge+ - still open as Rock Snowpark; renamed Crystal Ridge 2024

Currie Park

Deepwood (may be reopening as Woodwind Park)

Deer Trail

Delafield Lodge* (see Velkommen)

Dell View Hotel (Williamson's Dell View Hotel)

Dellwood Ski Area ??? - probably Deepwood

  • Colfax, WI - west central Wisconsin
  • Google Maps / Google Earth
  • Ski Reports - Minneapolis Star, Feb. 18, 1960, p. 52
  • This is the only reference that could be found. May be a misprint.

Devil's Lake - Windy City Ski Club * - see Windy City Hill

Dretzka Park

Dyracuse Mound

Eagle Bluff Ski Area

Eagle or Eagle Springs

Eau Claire Winter Sports Club Ski Hill * - see Pinehurst

Echo Valley (see Big Dipper Ski Hill)

Eight Flags of Birch Park* - see Birch Park

Elpa Lodge Slopes,


Fawn Lake Lodge

Ferry Hill Winter Sports Area

  • Lodi, WI (Okee) - south central Wisconsin - south of the Merrimac ferry, and two miles west of Okee off of Highway 113 and County V, near Gibralter Rock
  • o: 1956
  • Google Maps / Google Earth ???
    43.35667529337323, -89.61170554743344
    Please email - mark@mwlsap.org - if you know a more precise location.
  • Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page

The Flats - The Kiwanis Club of Oconto Falls

Forest Lake Ski Bowl

Fox Valley Ski Club * - see Calumet County Park

Fun Valley Ski Area

Frolic Valley

Gateway Lodge - same as King's Gateway?

Glenwood City 57 Hills Ski Area * - see Ski Glen

Greenbush Ski Hill

Hagen-Miner + probably the same as Mt. Hardscrabble


Harrison Hills (later called Silver Valley)

  • Gleason WI (Merrill, Tomahawk, Rhinelander) - north central Wisconsin
  • v: 200 o: 1968 c: 1986
  • In 1978 (Skalka): 3 rope tows
  • Google Maps / Google Earth
    45.419633324217145, -89.44863605197693
  • Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page 1 2 3
  • vertical?
  • skimap.org


Hiawatha Hills (Buffalo Valley Inc.) / Hiawatha Valley

Hiawatha Slopes

Hidden Valley Ski Area

Highlands of Olympia * (See Olympia)

Hilly Haven Ski and Golf

Hogsback Hill

Hogsback Springs Recreation Area * (see Spur Lake Recreation Area)

Holiday Hill

Hotdog Mountain * (also called Indian Knob, Playboy Mountain, Mt. Playboy, Hotdog Mountain, Americana)- still open as Mountaintop at Grand Geneva

Indian Knob * (also called Americana, Playboy Mountain, Mt. Playboy, Hotdog Mountain) - still open as Mountaintop at Grand Geneva

Interlaken Resort


Iverson Park

Johnson Park

Kettle Moraine South Unit (Scuppernong)

King's Gateway - same as Gateway Lodge?

Kiwanis Park (Kiwanis Hill) - Ripon

La Crosse Snow Bowl

Lake Arrowhead Resort

Lake Lawn Hotel / Ski Farm

Lapham Peak (Government Hill?)

Lincoln Hills School for Boys

Little Sun Valley

Little Swiss Valley *(see Velkommen)

Lockhaven (also called Spooner-Shell Lake Ski Area)

Lodi See and Ski

Machickanee Winter Sports Area

Majestic (Majestic Hills, Majestic Ski Area, Ski Majestic)

Manitou Valley Ski Valley

Maple Crest Ski Tow

  • Jeffris, WI - north central Wisconsin (10 miles south of Rhinelander on 17)
  • Google Maps / Google Earth
    45.50199175185563, -89.43044775717503 Jeffris, WI
  • Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page 1 2
  • advertisement

Maryhill + - currently open as Ausblick (private) located on Maryhill Rd., Sussex, WI

Mineral Point

Minocqua Winter Park *- see Squirrel Hill

Moccasin Snow Bowl

Moon Valley + (Moon Valley Ski Club) - (still open as Triangle Sports Area - originally at Baird's Creek, then moved to Fun Valley Ski Area)

Mo-Ski-Tow Hill (Mosquito Hill)

Mt. Atlanta + - still open as Christie Mountain

Mt. Fuji

Mt. LeBett

Mt. Ole ?

Mt. Redstone

Mt. Telemark * (see Telemark)

Mt. Tom (private)

Mus-Ski Mountain (also called Muskellunge)

Navarino Hills (previously known as Pues Hill)

Nemadji Hill

Nest Of Eagles

New Munster Ski Hill

Nor-Ski Ridge (became Omnibus)

North Hills (North Hills Ski Club)

Northernaire Resort

Norway Basin+ (formerly Sutter's Ridge, still open as Tryol Basin)

Nutt Hill

Oak Ridge Ski Hill (Oak Ridge Ski Club)

Old Baldy * - see Baldy Mountain

Olympia (also known as Scotsland, Highlands of Olympia)

Omnibus* (see Nor-Ski Ridge)

Paradise Valley Ski Resort

Perkinstown Winter Sports Park

Pine Hills County Club - Sheboygan, WI, 4914 Superior Ave. Sheboygan, WI 53083 -3437


Pinehurst (Pinehurst Bowl, also called Seymour Hill and )

Pink Panther (later called Snowburst [1978], then Bear Valley [1985])

Playboy Club* - (also called Americana, Playboy Mountain, Mt. Playboy, and Indian Knob) still open as Mountaintop at Grand Geneva

  • 1965-1980

Pleasure Valley

Port Mountain +- still open as Mt. Ashwabay

Potawatomi State Park

Pues Hill * - see Navarino Hills

Quit-Qui-Oc Ski Hill

Rib Mountain + - still open as Granite Peak

Ripon Kiwanis Hill * - see Kiwanis Park


Scotsland * (see Olympia)

Scuppernong * (See Kettle Moraine South Unit)

Schuster Park

See and Ski * - see Lodi See and Ski

Seymour Hill * - see Pinehurst

Sheltered Valley

Signal Mountain Ski Hill (Signal Hill)

Silver Valley * - see Harrison Hills

Silverbrook Resort (Silver Brook)

Ski Glen (also called Glenwood City 57 Hills Ski Area)

Ski-Mac * (see Snowcrest)

Ski-Mor Ridge

Ski Trail

Ski View Ridge * (see View Ridge)

Skyline (or Sky Line)

Skyline Ski Area ("Skolhaugen")

Skyview Ski Basin

  • Mazomanie, WI - south central wisconsin, 2 blocks off Hwy 14
  • o: Sat., Dec. 26,1959;
  • v: 300 ft. (The American Ski Directory)
  • Google Maps / Google Earth ???
    43.167980697979736, -89.78984831148775
    Mazo Bluff
    Please email -
    mark@mwlsap.org - if you know a more precise location.
  • New Skiing Area Open at Mazo - Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin) · Sun, Dec 27, 1959
  • New Ski Area Open At Mazo - The Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin) · Wed, Jan 20, 1960
  • Listed in The American Ski Directory, William Pain, Permabook, 1961


Snowburst * (see Pink Panther)

Snowcrest (originally called Ski-Mac)

Spooner-Shell Lake Ski Area * - see Lockhaven

Spring Valley

Spring Valley Winter Park

Spur Lake Recreation Area (also known as Hogsback Springs Recreation Area)

Squirrel Hill (became Minocqua Winter Park - XC xkiing)

Suicide Hill * (see Birch Haven)

Sunny Acres Ranch

Sutter's Ridge + (became Norway Basin, still open as Tyrol Basin)

Sylvan Hill Park

Telemark Resort (Mt. Telemark)

The Flats at Oconto Falls - see Flats

Thorske's Ski Tow


Touchet Ski Hill

Tower Hill

  • Lannon / Menominee Falls WI - southeast Wisconsin
  • Google Maps / Google Earth
    43.134685290055764, -88.15758514704403
  • Midwest Set for a Banner Year in Snow - Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois) · Sun, Dec 8, 1946
  • Sports Dial . . . by Ferde Adams - Waukesha Daily Freeman (Waukesha, Wisconsin) · Sat, Jan 24, 1948
  • Good Skiing Conditions in Wisconsin - Baraboo News-Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) · Sat, Jan 17, 1948
  • Probably at Tower Hill Park - Menominee Falls, WI
    • Tower Hill Park

      This park consists of a 22.4 acre natural area on a north facing hill west of the Tamarack Preserve on Mill Road. Tower Hill has panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The site slopes down to a tributary of the Fox River. The site is currently undeveloped and closed to the pubic. - Village of Menominee Falls, 2011

Twin Valley (Hoofers' Hill)


UW Eau Claire * (see Mt. Ole)

UW Madison Ski Club Hill ?

Valley Vista Recreation Area

Velkommen (also called Delafield Lodge, Little Swiss Valley, and Winter Haven)

View Ridge Ski Hill (Ski View Ridge)

Viking Skyline

Viking Valley (Whitehall)

Viola ?? Ski Hill

White Mountain

Whitehall * (see Viking Valley)

Whitnall Park

Willams Bay Ski Hill / Bay View Ski Hill (Winter Playgrounds at Williams Bay)

Wilson Hill

Windy City Hill - also called Devil's Lake - Windy City Ski Club

Winter Haven * - see Velkommen


Winterset Ski Area

Woodside Ranch

Wunderberg Ski Area + - still open as Sunburst

MWLSAP Homepage


Perch Lake


Twin Springs Resort and Campground


?? Mukwonago County Park

?? Naga-Waukee County Park

?? Silver Ridge Ski Club

Remove Boulder Junction, Dellwood,


Southern Wisconsin Offer Many Spots for Those Who Like Winter Sports - Janesville Daily Gazette (Janesville, Wisconsin) · Thu, Dec 15, 1955

location of Quit-Qui-Oc

location of Chain O' Lakes
Also need more:

location: Elpa Lodge Slopes

location of Ferry Hill Winter Sports Area

location: Kings Gatesway Lodge

location of Machickanee Winter Sports Area

location of Mineral Point

location of Mt. Redstone

location of Oak Ridge Ski Hill

location of Ski-Mor Ridge



-Outdoor Sports In Full Swing in State with Snow, Cold Weather - The_Oshkosh_Northwestern_Sat__Dec_18__1954_manyareas.pdf

  • Anvil - xc
  • Boulder Junction - no tow

Winter Sports Areas Preparing For Big Season - The Rhinelander Daily News (Rhinelander, Wisconsin) · Wed, Nov 2, 1949


Going Skiing? Make Your Reservations by This List - The_Rhinelander_Daily_News_23_Dec_1953


Southern Wisconsin Gains Fame As Year Round Resort Area; Winter Sports Boom - Janesville Daily Gazette, Jan 9, 1948



Racine - McKinley Junior High School

Mockesair Lodge (Moc-Kes-Air) - WORKING ON

Niagara - WORKING ON

Osseo Rod and Gun Club Ski Hill - WORKING ON


Moquah Ski Hill Rd - WORKING ON

Ski Hill near Abbey Springs golf course between Mt Majestic and Fontana - WORKING ON

Big Boulder Lodge - WORKING ON

Iola - ski jumping and xc only


XXTrail Farm LTD (near Camp Forest Springs ) - WORKING ON


Slinger Hill - WORKING ON

Big Boulder Lodge - no tow 1953 - WORKING ON

Long Lake Resort, no tow 1952, 1953 - WORKING ON

 MWLSAP Homepage


 Mt. Whittlesey - NEVER OPENED



Devil's Hollow


Alpine Valley Resort

Ausblick (Private) previously called Maryhill

Blackhawk Ski Club (Private)

Bruce Mound Winter Sports Area

Camp 10

Cascade Mountain

Christie Mountain Ski Area (formerly Mt. Atlanta)

Christmas Mountain

Crystal Ridge (see Rock Snowpark renamed Crystal Ridge 2024)

Devil's Head Resort

Forest Springs / Sunset Hill (at Forest Springs)

  • still OPEN
  • Fifield, WI (Westboro) - north central Wisconsin
  • website
  • skimap.org (XC map)

Fox Hill Ski Area (private)

Grand Geneva + - see Mountaintop at Grand Geneva

Granite Peak (formerly Rib Mountain)

Heiliger Huegel Ski Club (private)

Kettlebowl Ski Hill and Cross Country Trails

Kewaunee County Winter Park

Keyes Peak Ski Area

Little Switzerland

Mont du Lac Ski Area

Mt. Ashwabay (previously Port Mountain)

Mt. LaCrosse

Mountain Top at Grand Geneva (formerly Playboy Club, Americana, and Indian Knob)

Nordic Mountain

Paul Bunyan

Powers Bluff

+ Rock Snowpark (formerly Crystral Ridge, renamed Crystal Ridge 2024)

Sunburst Ski Area (formerly Wunderberg)

Sunset Hill (see Forest Springs)

Standing Rocks County Park

Triangle Sports Area

Trollhaugen Ski Area

Tyrol Basin (previously called Sutters Ridge and Norway Basin)

Whitecap Mountains

Whitetail Ridge

Wilmot Mountain

Winter Park - (see Kewaunee County Winter Park)

Woodwind Park - formerly Deepwood -

  • no skiing YET
  • Wheeler, WI - west central
  • Facebook

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Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page - omissions noted


Minneapolis Tribune, Dec. 23, 1962, p. 53



Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin) · Sun, Dec 23, 1962



from Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page


from Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page




Chicago Tribune, Dec. 8, 1967


Chicago Tribune, Sunday, December 01


Green Bay Press Gazette
Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page



Green Bay Press Gazette
Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page




Green Bay Press Gazette, Dec. 12, 1971


Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune
Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page


Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page




Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page




(not all areas listed)

See Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page for corrections




See Lost Wisconsin Ski Areas Facebook Page (map corrections)



The Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin) · Sat, Jan 10, 1981



The Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin) · 15 Dec 1985 (Note: Bull Valley in Lake Geneva was the former Mt. Fuji. Cross country skiing only - it did NOT have "1 T-bar, 12 rope tows, and 12 double chairlifts")



* renamed; closed
+ renamed; open
^ never opened

Ski Areas Near Lake Geneva



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